Kristie Strum - Independent Stampin’ Up!® Demonstrator

Life Stuff

How fair is a garden amid the trials and passions of existence.

–Benjamin Disraeli

So on Sunday, Barb had to stop by the grocery store after church so she could pick up some mushrooms for lunch, and somehow I ended up walking out with a pot of tulips.

In and of itself, that’s not so weird. I love tulips. (They’re not my favorite flower, that would be tiger lilies, but a close second.)

It was proposed to me that I could save the bulbs, plant them in the fall, and see if they came up again next spring. I have never gardened, but they sound easy enough. So what better than more tulips? I knew I had to go to Home Depot this week and they had pots of them for $5, so why not get one more?

And so I did. But while waiting for my mom to write a check for new carpet, I started browsing the seed display. I now have seeds for tall sunflowers, small sunflowers, four o’clocks, and a variety of wildflowers. Of course, it’s a good month probably until I can plant them, so perhaps I’ll have time to read Gardening for Dummies or something.

Or perhaps this is just a temporary insanity and it’ll be gone by then.

I also picked up a hanging planter of violas for the front porch, some plant fertilizer, and a kneeler thingy. Yikes.


  1. Rachel

    impressive. i need to buy a hanging basket for my deck, and i’m debating buying some small planter boxes to put on my deck too.

  2. E

    You should plant the seeds in small pots around February or March (little late for that now, I know) and then transplant them outside in May/June.

  3. Kristie

    Rach, as it happens there are two hooks on the front porch, so I’ll be getting a second hanging plant one of these days. It’ll be impressive if I manage to do it all, and then I’ll have pictures.

    E, I was actually trying to get ones that would allow me to plant them later without having to start them indoors…according to the packets anyway. If I actually get into this stuff, I’ll probably do some of those next year, if I can find a place where my cats won’t get into them. Blazer especially likes dirt, silly thing with white paws.

  4. Carly-Ann

    I used to have an impulsive run like that every year, but now I don’t have a balcony or any space to garden anything. Sometimes to compensate, I buy a houseplant which may or may not survive.

    Good luck with the tulips.

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