I’ve never been one to make resolutions just because a new year has begun, but to begin regaining some of the balance I’ve lost since starting a new job in July 2012, I decided to make a list of things I’d really like to do this year. This list is still a bit of a work in progress as I figure things out and/or remember things I forgot to include.
- Finish at least one WIP per month. This is going to tough, because most of my WIPs are a significant amount of work, but I’m tired of seeing so many unfinished things in my projects.
- Finish Umaro by the end of 2014. It can be included among the WIPs for #1, but will take time all throughout the year to finish. I need to get through approximately one skein a month.
- Make at least one item from my queue as it is at the end of 2013 per month.
Other Crafts
- Design at least one card per month.
- Finish my 2013 life book.
- Start and work on 2014 life book each month.
- Make my Christmas cards.
- Start my knit/crochet scrapbook.
- Read at least 48 books. This is up from my 2013 goal of 36 books, which I completed on December 30 (okay, two were short stories and at least a couple young reader chapter books, but that’s okay!). Reading was my primary love to suffer when I started knitting five years ago, and while I may never read 73 books in a year again like I did in 2008 (it was only 13 to 28 from 2009-2012), I’m working my way up to at least 60 per year.
- Clear out my “started but on hold” shelf on Goodreads. Some I can pick up where I left off, some I’ll need to start over, but I want that shelf gone by the end of 2014.
- Finish converting dining room into papercrafting studio. (Don’t worry, it’ll still function as a dining room, though it hardly matters.)
- Get my house to a state where it’s not a massive undertaking to have a few friends over or cause me stress just thinking about having to have a service person in my house. I’d like to do this by the end of January so I can start having knitting pals over (our yarn shop closed over a year ago, and while coffee shops work sometimes, it’s not ideal to me).
- Maintain #2.
- Get the new kitchen faucet my parents gave me months ago installed.
Health and Fitness
- Work up to 10,000 steps per day by the end of 2014. My new Fitbit tells me I usually get in 4,000-5,000 steps on a workday. The first challenge will be figuring out how to get in that many steps on a non-workday, especially in the winter (as I write this it’s -6 degrees F and snowing). Second will be working up to 10,000 steps every day by the end of the year. This goal will likely be modified as I start figuring it out.
- Use a fitness game on my Wii or Xbox 360 at least once per week.
Special rules: My immediate family doesn’t count, but extended family does since I don’t see them much. Attending group events I didn’t plan (such as a friend’s kid’s birthday party) doesn’t count.
- In January-March, make and keep plans with a friend at least once per month.
- In April-June, make and keep plans with a friend at least once every three weeks.
- In July-September, make and keep plans with a friend at least once every two weeks.
- In October-December, make and keep plans with a friend at least once a week.
- Take a real vacation. A trip to visit family (unless it’s my cousin Jen in Atlanta, maybe) doesn’t count. A trip to a genealogy conference doesn’t count. I’ve already put money down to hold a place at Squam in June, so really, I just hope I can somehow come up with the money to pay the rest and for travel expenses.
- Post to my genealogy blog once a week. This also means I have to do something worth blogging about.
- Post to this blog once a week. I’m already doing stuff, like crafting and living life; I just need to post photos and write about it.
Wow. This is so similar to what I could’ve written it’s eerie. Except where you have yarn crafts, I have fabric crafts. And I’m not trying to get up to 10,000/day (but definitely more than I’m getting now!). Maybe this summer, but not this winter. The curse of a small house is that on days when I’m home, getting above 1000 steps is a stretch. I wish I were kidding.
Kristie Strum
I just realized I forgot to even put my Fitbit on today. But yeah, same issue at my small house. Yesterday I had 981 steps. The whole “Health and Fitness” area still needs work, because I haven’t at all figured out better diet goals, though I need some.