About six months ago, I had the opportunity to go on a book retreat in Louisville, Kentucky. There are so many awesome things I could say about that weekend. For now, I’m just going to talk about one, which was that those of us who went on the retreat were gifted advanced reading copies of a book that was just released today, Code Name Hélène by Ariel Lawhon. The author joined us for an amazing discussion.

This work of historical fiction is based on the life of a real woman, Nancy Wake. The more I learned about her, the more I was appalled she isn’t someone we learn about in school. She played a significant role in WWII, and I can’t recommend this book enough. I rarely reread books, but I am planning to reread this one this spring.
If you have found yourself weary of books set during the Second World War, never fear, because Nancy’s story transcends all of that. You deserve to give this book centered around the French Resistance a chance.
What does this have to do with stamping? See, when I saw the new Dressed for Success Suite in the January to June 2020 Mini Catalog just a few weeks after finishing Code Name Hélène, I knew this post would need to happen.
Now, I’m not a lipstick wearer most of the time. I do like a tinted lip gloss or balm, though, and I think this quote would apply to that too.
The thing about lipstick, the reason it’s so powerful, is that it is distracting. Men don’t see the flashes of anger in your eyes or your clenched fists when you wear it. They see a woman, not a warrior, and that gives me the advantage.
Code name Hélène

I think Nancy would agree that we should be as bold as our lipstick.

Sandy Moen
Nicely done, Kristie.